13 Dec It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s —
…R&R’s site traffic! Google Analytics’ site statistics and benchmarking software indicates that our site is outperforming other small business Web sites on a number of dimensions:
Bounce Rate = 42.30% [vs. 56.42% in peer Web sites]
Visit Depth (Pages/Visit) = 3.5 [vs. 1.48]
Avg. Time on Site = 2:52 [vs. 0:05]
(Numbers are from Dec 1st.)
This trend has remained remarkably stable over time:
Bounce Rate = 40.39% [vs. 55.21% in peer Web sites]
Visit Depth (Pages/Visit) = 3.49 [vs. 1.52]
Avg. Time on Site = 3:17 [vs. 0:07]
(Numbers from October, after the launch of our Web site redesign)
We strive to put engaging, informative content in our Web site. We’re happy to know that it has resonated with many of you, and greatly appreciate your time and your interest in discovering who we are and what we are about.
As a small company made up of people who believe in the meeting of minds, R&R values each and every one of your opinions. Our comment moderation policy exists solely for the purpose of filtering out spammers and vandals, and we will never censor or exclude any of the thoughts you choose to share with us.
So, if there are things that have struck you on our Web site or blog, we invite you to comment and let us know. We hope to hear from more of you in the future.
— Roanna Kong, Webmaster