Spectrum ratings are produced and monitored in a digital, data-driven rating architecture.

Spectrum’s continuous, data-driven approach to real-time credit assessment transfers the power of monitoring to you.

Spectrum ratings are generated in a hybrid expert/digital framework, to minimize the human sources of biased outcomes, and to automate the repetitious labor that machines do better, enabling our users to transition seamlessly between balance sheet and off-balance sheet (working capital) credit quality assessments.

For more information on what we can do for you, email info@creditspectrum.com or read about CSC methods below.

US Auto ABS (Auto Asset-Backed Securities)


Last Update 12/28/2020

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US CLOs (Collateral Loan Obligations)


Last Update 9/25/2020

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Japan RMBS (Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities)


Last Update 6/25/2020

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