Bloomberg commentator David Reilly quotes R&R's Ann Rutledge on the next target for regulators in mending the financial crisis: the "shadow banking system" of non-bank lending markets. Rutledge calls for "an exchange-like setting to provide the sort of standardization and rules that help trading of stocks...

The revealing and esthetically pleasing chart that R&R's Ann Rutledge produced to illustrate asset-backed bond default rates is featured by Felix Salmon in his Reuters blog. Reflecting the value of analyzing the past in dealing with the future, Ann's presentation on the development of the...

When I grow up I want to be a political commentator like Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olbermann and shout in everyone's face. I will holler at the masses from television and radio stations and from street corners. I will yell at passing buses and taxis...

One thing I hate about the magazine Vanity Fair is how they allow George Clooney to use it to stalk me. I can't even flip through the rag without discovering his mug somewhere inside just waiting to pounce out at me. I've taken this matter...

It wasn't Dr. Krugman's hate-mail treatment of securitization that made my brain go tilt.(I say this even though we concur with Barry Ritholz’s reasoning in his blog article, "Paul Krugman is Wrong About Securitization." )What really got to me was the reference to toaster...

R&R's Ann Rutledge discusses how flawed securitization set off the economic crisis in the cover story of the current issue of National Journal Magazine:"Until the early part of this decade, Rutledge says, most of the blueprints for building structured securities were imperfect but honest. Sometime...