12 Jun The Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2019 was held in Beijing at the end of May. People’s Bank of China (PBOC) president Yi Gang announced the availability of new stimulus totaling 300 BN Yuan after lowering local banks’ deposit reserve ratios from May – July 15th.
由北京市人民政府主办的“2019金融街论坛年会”于5月29日-30日在北京举行。主题为:深化金融供给侧结构性改革,推动经济高质量发展。 中国人民银行行长易纲表示,继5月15号人民银行对千余家县域金融机构降低存款准备金率后,6月17日和7月15号将进行第二、第三次定向降准,总计将释放3000亿资金。中国证券业协会副会长孟宥慈表示证券法修订案的第三稿已经正式公开征求意见,有望为资本市场和证券行业的高质量发展进一步提供法律和制度的保障。 The main theme of the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2019 (Beijing, May 29-30) was Deepening Financial Supply-side Structural Reform and Promoting High-quality Economic Development. People's Bank of China (PBOC) president Yi Gang [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yi_Gang] announced a total stimulus of 300 BN Yuan. On May 15,...