2009 is nearly over, and not a moment too soon. After exhaustive studies, scientists have firmly concluded that 2009 is the crappiest year in living memory. Undoubtedly it is the lousiest year of the 21st Century. It is barely equaled by 1914, 1918 and 1929...

Like any sane person, I hate to keep beating a dead horse. So why does Pamela McClintock at Variety keep propping up the same smoldering corpse. OK, it seems to be her job to keep insisting that Hollywood is having a swell year despite all...

Like the old story about the reports of Mark Twain's "death," current news stories on the end of independent movies may be slightly exaggerated. Granted, it doesn't look good and the damage has been absolutely gawd-awful, but indie film is not exactly dead, no matter...

There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that 2012 scored over $225 millions across the globe for a blow-out opening that will convince the nitwits that run Hollywood that they are making money. Of course the movie's planet-destroying budget of $260 to...

There are those who are born to greatness and those who have greatness thrust upon them. Then there's Harvey Weinstein. He sort of rented greatness. Drove a hard bargain, too. With the recent news stories about Weinstein's old company, Miramax Pictures, on its deathbed and the...

The doom-saying business is getting ridiculously competitive. Oh sure, during the past year I had a decent run at spreading gloom and earning such catchy nick names as "Dr. No," "The Dark Prophet," and "Mr. Doom." But that was before I found myself competing with...

Somebody asked me recently how the cost of movie tickets is determined. I told them "Good question." Then I realized that they were serious and actually waiting for an answer. After staring blankly for a few minutes, I excused myself to go to the bathroom...