R&R Consulting principal Ann Rutledge is among the experts quoted in a Washington Post article on the ramifications of flawed paperwork that has brought foreclosures to a standstill nationwide. Read the full article by Ariana Eunjung Cha and Jia Lynn Yang, "Lack of proper mortgage...

In discussing recent political polls, a person at Elway Research summed up the current contradictory state of surveys by quoting the well-regarded think tank known as Buffalo Springfield. Yep, there sure is something strange happening here, and what it is ain't exactly clear. This is pretty...

Microfinancing is hot. The concept has even made its way to The Simpsons, a show that lost its street cred ages ago but still has Lisa as the closest thing this country's got in the way of rational political discourse. So the concept has just...

The short film, like the short story, normally gets the short end of the stick. For most beginning filmmakers, the short film is the simplest way to get started. The production cost is relatively low and the format is much more flexible than a feature-length...

It is getting pretty hard to keep track of things. Just a year ago, 3D was the impending salvation of commercial cinema. Now, the suits of Hollywood are quaking at the thought that the 3D revolution is dead. OK, some folks predicted the possible short...

The New York Times interviews R&R Consulting principal Ann Rutledge about the Security and Exchange Commission's proposal to tighten rules as a means of restoring trust to the asset-backed securities market. Read her assessment of the prospects for meaningful reform in Gretchen Morgenson's September 4...