There's a lot of co-evolution going on. Changes in one thing produce corresponding changes in many other things. The term is most commonly used in biology, but it is also applicable to the current state of film and media. It's more than applicable. It is...

In the old days, publicists were often ex-reporters who mainly switched jobs so they could deduct the booze as a business expense. This was back in the mythic heydays when promoting a movie was viewed as an art rather than a science, and a well-oiled,...

It must be something in the water. Every indie filmmaker on earth is totally convinced that the key to success is the use of the social media. Countless blogs have been posted hammering away at this point. Numerous self-appointed experts have emerged to guide people...

Like Napoleon playing with a map of Europe, Hollywood is toying with the globe. At least that is the gist of a recent New York Times story. In a report on the upcoming ScreenSingapore 2011 festival, the Times finds that the foreign market is becoming...

Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is exclusively caused by vindictive movie critics who write back-stabbing and mean-spirited reviews in pursuit of their hidden liberal agenda. Well, that is pretty much the explanation given by the producer of Atlas Shrugged concerning the film's rapid flat-lining...

When last we checked the current box office is down. Meanwhile, the production costs for this summer's big special effects movies are suddenly skyrocketing through the roof while rumors swirl that some of these flicks may not be ready in time for their release dates....

Hey kids, let's put on a show! At least that's the gist of the recent New York Times story on the surge in internet-based indie productions. Though the Gray Lady doesn't quite utter the infamous Mickey Rooney line, she comes close. It also means that the...