The Academy Awards are a bit like a hot dog. They're popular, largely lacking in any nutritional value, and nobody needs to know how they're made. That may be the real reason why they're called the Oscars. But the Academy Awards are still viewed as the...

On January 27, the YouTube movie comes of age. I mean movies made via YouTube for YouTube (as opposed to movies that just kind of get dumped there). This is the date for the premiere screening of Life in a Day at the Sundance Film...

Hard to believe it's already 2011 and I still don't have a flying car. No personal robot, either. I'm beginning to think I'm stuck in an endless loop of the 1990s. Much the same could be said of the list of projected movie releases for...

Have you recently been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which Mel Gibson chases after you with a beaver attached to his hand? I know, it's really scary. The whole idea sends a cold chill down Sigmund Freud's spine. But the upcoming release of The Beaver...

The fastest way to get the old guard in Hollywood steamed is to utter the phrase: "predictive model." It works like magic as a room full of suits turns into a pack of Popeyes shooting steam out of their ears. Then for real fireworks, just...

Business News Network's SqueezePlay interviews R&R Consulting principal Sylvain Raynes on the use of asset-backed commercial paper to finance independent film productions. Watch the full interview, "ABCP for Indie Films?", BNN, November 16, 2010....