Should companies make public the revenue generated by films distributed via video on demand (VOD)? According to The Hollywood Reporter, this question is a hot topic among indie filmmakers. I'm not so sure that's true, but it ought to be. Since VOD is the most probable...
Ted Hope may or may not have left his heart in San Francisco. But he has left his job. After slightly more than a year as director of the San Francisco Film Society, Hope has quit. Officially, he wants to get back to work as an indie...
The question of racial bias in American movies is supposed to be over. You know, the product of some long-forgotten age. Way back in Antebellum time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and we had just discovered fire. However, almost every major study on this issue completely...
Spike Lee had a hissy fit on Bloomberg TV. Well, not really a full blown hissy fit. More of a “frank and open” exchange of views. To be honest, Trish Regan started the interview with a kind of “When did you stop beating your wife” approach....